Director of Vodokanal St. Petersburg Mr. Felix Karmazinov handing out a diploma to Mr. Nurminen at the closing ceremony of the St. Petersburg WWTP in year 2011.

The woolly red diver’s cap was the trademark of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. Juha got his red cap when he was invited to become a honorary member of the Finnish divers´guild.

SYK Alumni of the Year 2017
SYK alumni of the year, one male and one female, have been elected since 2013. The choice is made by SYKE ry, the alumni association of Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu (SYK).

Royal Geographical Society Fordham Award 2016
The award, granted jointly to Mr Nurminen and his spouse, non-fiction author Marjo T. Nurminen, was for distinguished publication work in the field of cartographic history.

Onnea! Marjo T. Nurminen ja Juha Nurminen vastaanottivat Fordham-palkinnon Lontoon Royal Geographical Societyssa – John Nurmisen Säätiö

Tämän vuoden toukokuussa säätiö sai kertoa todellisen kartografian jymyuutisen, kun kunnianarvoisa Lontoon Royal Geographical Society (Kuninkaallinen maantieteellinen seura) myönsi Marjo T. Nurmiselle ja Juha Nurmiselle Fordham Award -pal­kinnon pariskunnan yhteisestä karttojen kulttuurihistoriaan liittyvästä tutkimus-ja kirjoitustyöstä. Seuran johtaja Rita Gardner luovutti palkinnon Royal Geographical Societyssä (RGS) 13.10. järjestetyssä juhlatilaisuudessa.

Gold Medal of the City of Helsinki 2011
The Helsinki medal, awarded by the Helsinki City Board on 9 May 2011, is the city’s highest acknowledgement of important work for the city.

Maritime Counsellor (Finnish honorary title) 2010
Tarja Halonen, the President of Finland, awarded the title of Maritime Counsellor to Juha Nurminen on 26 November 2010.

Businessman of the Year 2010
In 2010, Suomen Liikemiesyhdistys (association of Finnish businessmen) selected Juha Nurminen as businessman of the year. ‘With its choice this year, Suomen Liikemiesyhdistys wishes to highlight a businessman who has been successful in his tasks, and wants to provide his knowhow and extensive societal and business networks to the service of promoting the wellbeing of the environment. Juha Nurminen’s selfless manner of working, on top of his other daily tasks, to promote the quality of life of all citizens sets an excellent example to all successful businessmen.’

Honorary member no. 2 of Sukeltajakilta ry, 2009
On 16 September 2009, Sukeltajakilta ry (divers’ guild) invited Juha Nurminen to become their honorary member no. 2. The first honorary member of the guild is the late diving legend J.Y. Cousteau.

Honorary diploma of the city of St. Petersburg, 2009
The City of St. Petersburg awarded Juha Nurminen an honorary diploma for years of meritorious cooperation with the water utility of St. Petersburg, working to protect the Baltic Sea.

Medal for Military Merits, 2009
On 4 June 2009, Chief of Defence, Admiral Juhani Kaskeala granted Juha Nurminen the Medal for Military Merits.

State Award for Public Information, for life’s work, 2008
As proposed by the Committee for Public Information, the Minister of Education granted Juha Nurminen the State Award for Public Information for his many-sided life’s work involving the history, culture, and protection of the Baltic Sea. His life work has been extensive, adding to available information as an active stakeholder in these areas through writing, exhibitions, and projects that seek to improve the status of the Baltic Sea.

Vuoden maineteko (deed of renown), 2005
The alumni associations of top international universities (Harvard Business School, IMD International Institute for Management Development, INSEAD International Business School in France, the London Business School and the London School of Economics) granted the Vuoden maineteko award to Juha Nurminen, ‘who has shown leadership and social responsibility by launching a project that crosses national borders for a cleaner Baltic Sea.’

Cross of Merit of the Blue Reserve, 2005
The Commander of the Navy granted Juha Nurminen the Cross of Merit no. 19 for his exemplary actions in promoting the aims of voluntary reserve operations in naval defence. The Blue Reserve preserves naval military traditions and promotes naval military skills; with this medal, the Blue Reserve emphasizes the importance of the continuous maintenance of marine national defence capability and spirit, an integral part of safeguarding the independence of our country. 

Commander of the Order of the Holy Lamb, 1999
This medal was granted to Juha Nurminen by the Finnish Orthodox Church in recognition of his participation in an aid project that spanned several years, transporting significant amounts of medicines and hospital equipment from the Finnish pharmaceutical industry to be distributed and used by the hospital network of the Orthodox Church in the Middle East.

Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland, 1997

Military rank
Lieutenant commander. During his time in military service in 1965 – 1966, Juha Nurminen served e.g. on the training ship frigate Matti Kurki, as well as on minesweepers and motor gunboats.  During reserve duty, he has been an active participant in national defence work, taking up various tasks in the navy and later in Defence Command.